Monday 2 June 2014

About Me, About My Blog :

Hello everyone :)
I'm Becca, 16, from Kent. This blog is about my adventures and future going to The British Racing School in September 2014. (

I've always adored horses and riding, from the age of 2 I have been around, ridden and looked after horses. From such a young age I knew I wanted to work with horses as a career, I started off dreaming to be a professional dressage rider, I loved the movement and gracefulness of the dressage horses. I then moved into the showjumping phase, I was certain this is what I wanted to do; the risk, skill and adrenaline rush of showjumping amazed me, but still being young, all you can do is dream and carry on riding at your local riding school. Growing up fast, my 10th birthday, then 13th (teenager!) Secondary school.. new friends... I started to wonder where I want to go with my life... to be honest... I had no idea. But still, as from the age of 4, I knew it was going to involve horses, no matter what. Life changed a lot for me, I was going through a few problems in life - my parents getting divorced was one of the main ones. It changed my lifestyle, moving house, not having a Dad, my Mum changed a lot too.. but it never lead me into the black hole where you can find quite a few teenagers, that I can only thank to my little pony Pumpkin: 

Riding lessons were becoming expensive, due to the divorce it was no longer affordable, this broke my heart but never lost my love for horses. They always say the best things come to those who wait, so I waited....and waited....and waited... I then met Pumpkin, a little, old, scruffy but amazing natured and beautiful pony on a private livery yard full of adults (yes it was scary!) . I fell in love with Pumpkin from the start, we got on like a house on fire, we would ride every day, school, hack, jump, gallop -had the best time of my life. I felt a sense of freedom, i was no longer stuck in a riding school being told what to do, i was eventually free and could test my knowledge, and oh sure did Pumpkin test it too! She sure was a cow at times, enjoyed dumping me on my arse regularly- a few aches, cuts, bruises.. but i still loved her, and i think she started to love me too. We went out to little competitions! Handy pony, dressage, jumping, cross country - i never thought i'd have the opportunity to do such things! I was so thankful! 

 I  started to talk to the adults too, being aged 12 on a private yard full of adults was petrifying, but i started to notice they weren't too bad after all!  We started hacking out together, laughing, joking.. It started to feel like my own little family, like a part of me that i'd lost when my parents divorced  had suddenly been filled again. My time up the yard was becoming more frequent, spending all my spare time with Pumpkin made me so happy, you would never understand! The sad thing was - I was growing up fast, I was getting taller week by week, and as a year went by i was starting to look pretty silly on a little old pony like Pumpkin. Reality hit - I was outgrowing Pumpkin, my heart was shattered, my life could never be the same without her, but then i thought to myself, shes still in my life, so whats the problem? I still get to see her every day, groom her, spend time with her, its just like it was before, just without the riding. It made us both happy and our bond is a strong as its ever been. And the pleasure i have teaching kids to ride her is un-describable as i remember what it was like being that young kid who loves a pony.   

... wow you guys must be getting bored reading all of this! Anyway i'm carrying on! ....

I was never going to leave Pullens - it was my family, i love everyone and all the horses. But with no pony to ride, what do i do now? I then met Mr Cool Spot... the most handsomest, chivalrous, gentlemanly horse you will ever meet in your whole entire life. He's an ex-racehorse, a bloody good one too he was! I fell in love with him the first time i rode him, don't get me wrong it was scary and a change of scene moving from a 12hh pony to a 16.2hh thoroughbred, but an amazing experience and i loved him.
 But from that day on i never looked back. It was a completely different style of riding a pony compared to a racehorse, it sure kept me busy and increased my love for horses even more! I felt a bond with Spot, i started to understand him, he would tell me things like 'no, don't pull on my mouth Bec, i'll just go faster!' I was getting to grips the ways and means of riding properly and i enjoyed every moment of it. We started to go out jumping, now that was an experience! Zooming 300mph round a 2'3 jumping course! Considering i'm riding an ex- national hunt racehorse, i was shitting it! But i loved every second. Spot gave me the confidence i needed to achieve in life, going out getting clear rounds in jumping, winning at dressage (BLIMEY!) and so much more. 

 Old Spotty was no spring chicken, coming on 26 years old, he told us all he didn't fancy it much any more, he didn't want to load, didn't want to jump much either. But we listened and agreed. Spotty said he enjoy's his hacking so that's what we'll do! The riding put aside, Spots my best friend. He's always there, nudging me in the right direction, always there to tell my secrets to and tell all of my worries, and no matter what a stroppy teenager i can be like, he's always there, with his ears pricked, saying 'its okay Bec' and forgives me in an instant. Without Spot i would of never considered The British Racing School. 

... So now you've read about my whole life so far  your still wondering what i actually chose to do with my life? 

Working on the yard was the best job to me. Waking up early, cycling to the yard, helping out with haynets, buckets, turning out the horses in the field, even getting to muck out if i was lucky!! My hard work would also pay off, sometimes i was offered a ride, Jester, Murphy, Finn, the list goes on! All amazing and a privilege to ride. So that was it. I made up my mind. That is what i wanted to do! Now being in year 10 at school, starting studying my GCSE's, i planned my future! I wanted to go to Hadlow College, get as many qualifications as possible and work on the yard! But then a dear friend and I had a chat. We spoke about my future and what i wanted to do. She opened my eyes and made me think outside the box, made me notice that i could do more with my life, i had more potential than i thought, there is a whole big wide world out there and all i wanted to do was stay in my comfort zone at a yard? I thought long and hard, she was right! There are so many life opportunities out there to go and do! And at the age of 14 i must aim for the moon! even if you fall.. you'll land among the stars. So i did. I went home that night, sat on the computer and thought long and hard about what i REALLY wanted to do in life. Then The British Racing School came up: 
 It took my breath in an instant, i automatically knew that is what i wanted to do! Galloping, going to the races, working with thoroughbreds, long hard working days out on a yard, it suited me to the ground! The rest is sure history. I told my best friend, we had tears, but agreed it was for the best - i then applied and was accepted for an interview at Newmarket. I had the day of a lifetime! The fitness test was sure tough but i somehow managed! The tour of the school was breathtaking, spectacular facilities, it felt like home! The interview was honestly the scariest thing i'd ever done with my life, all the questions bombarded me but i scrawled through it! At the end of the day, i had pretty low self esteem, was sure i wouldn't get the place, there were so many other teens like me, looked more sporty, more 'racing like' i definitely thought they were better than me! So i waited and waited for that letter in the post to tell me i hadn't got the place. I checked the post box every morning but no sign. Eventually the day came, i remember it now 3rd November to be precise! I opened the letter and in all my amazement i had been accepted in The British Racing School, i was on top of the moon, screaming in excitement and completely shell shocked that i had been hand picked one of the 250 people out of 900! My dream had come true. 

On the 22nd September 2014, i'm leaving the most loved place i have and i'm also leaving the people i love the most ; My Pullens Family. I can't thank you all enough for all the support, love and  care you have all given me, yes you've guessed - i have tears streaming down my face! I couldn't of done it without you.

So this blog is to keep you all updated on my adventures before i go, during my time at The British Racing School and afterwards .. and beyond! 

( you may now all go for a nap after reading my essay! I promise you they wont all be this long! )