Saturday 21 February 2015

Job update!

It's been a while since I've updated so here's the happenings from the past weeks; 

 As we all know it's been pretty chilly some mornings. This was late January one morning when we was riding out 1st lot in -8 degrees! Even though in such temperatures you wish to still be in bed , I wouldn't change my job for the world, you really do see some lovely sunrises in the mornings and spending it on board racehorses makes it extra special. 

First ever lead up with Brian's Well
Earl Grez and Joe Hill 

On Sunday 25th January we had 4 runners at Higham Point to Point. As it was my day off and wasn't up to anything I offered to go along and help. Earl Grez, my favourite horse was running so I couldn't wait to see how he would get on. It was such a fantastic day out as I'd never been pointing before and Lawney also let me lead up Brian's Well which is a lovely memory to cherish. All horses ran well with three 2nds and one 3rd, it was amazing to see Earl win and nearly win his race, such a shame he lost by a nose! I look forward to more outings. 

As if the bitter cold mornings couldn't get any worse ! Yes, of course we had snow. Thankfully, with the all weather canter Lawney has it's no problem to keep the horses in work. Photographer Eddie Keogh popped in on the morning of the snowfall and took some lovely snowy photos of our first lot. 

Ridiculously fluffy pony

Spotty looking chuffed with himself after a enjoyable hack. ( he thinks he's in training for Cheltenham ) 

On the 6th Februaury it was lovely to go home for the weekend and see everyone, especially my little pony and the handsome Cool Spot. On the downside I was struck with severe gastroenteritis on the Sunday evening and couldn't go back to work until the following week so it was a week at home, in bed , resting.. Not my cup of tea! 

After a horrible week of sickness it was lovely to be back at work feeling human again! The weather was also on our side, with the mornings becoming lighter it gives you hope that spring will be here soon. With clear skies most mornings the sun has been shining down on our back whilst riding out, it makes you appreciate what a fabulous job you have ! 

On the National Hunt yard it's been quite calm the past few weeks, Rude and Crude ran at Lingfield last week and bagged a 2nd against the pretty much unbeatable favourite, he ran very well and Lawney was happy with his performance. 

On the Point to Point yard it's been a few busy weekends. 
Alan has had a good few winners including Minella Theatre, Harbour Court, Consigliere and Done A Runner. Harbour Court and Consigliere will be running at the Cheltenham Festival in the Foxhunters which I'm really excited about. Quinz also ran at Doncaster in a hunter chase and ran a fantastic race, coming 2nd behind the favourite, we were all really pleased. 

This weekend we have Broken Eagle and Minella Theatre running, hopefully we can bag a few more wins! 

The link below shows you Lawney and Alan 's blog about the upcoming runners.