Sunday 28 September 2014


Monday morning eventually came and it was time to go to the BRS! 
When I arrived I was allocated a room and time to unpack, I then had to say goodbye to my mum and go for lunch. The first day was filled with lectures etc. and time to settle in. Tuesday morning at 6:30 was straight down the yard and muck out. We also rode too, I rode Arius , a chestnut gelding with a little attitude. We only done walk as some people on my course are slight beginners. At the end of each day you have dinner at 5pm, lectures at 6:45 ( apart from Friday , Saturday and Sunday's) and then block jobs at 8:30 ( hoovering, emptying bins etc. ) you can then go to bed and lights are out at 10:30pm. Every morning the advanced course wake up at 5:30am to start working at 6am and the beginners wake up at 6am to be on the yard at 6:30am. We then had one stable to muck out and one horse to ride for the first few days, and then the next few days we had two stables to muck out in the morning. 

Most of the riding is learning about bridging your reins, the right position to have and riding correctly. At the moment we are doing a lot of trotting and no stirrups work, it's really beneficial, even though it makes your arse ache! On Saturday I as given a wheelbarrow ( thank god ) and three horses to muck out and also two lots to ride. I rode Woolston Ferry and Le Corvee - two lovely rides !! Hopefully we can start cantering this week or next week. Saturday lunchtime was also our fitness test - I passed the sit ups and press ups but failed my run by 15 seconds! I was still chuffed and 15 seconds is easily fixable. 

Sunday we had a lie in and only had to be out on the yard at 7:30am, which was lovely! I had the same three to muck out, Bibiana Bay (BB) , Ellemujie and Tanager. My course then had breakfast and went to the forest for some team building , it was like go ape but a rubbish version! Was good fun though. We then came back in time for evening stables at 3:30pm and finished the yard at 5pm. 

I've really settled in here and everyone is so lovely, the advanced group ( course 287 ) have so many stories to tell about their 8 weeks so far and they're all lovely to get along with - especially Evie :D ( Dillan and Cal of course ) 

Tomorrow we start the same time as the advanced group at 6am, riding two lots and doing the real hard work! I can't wait ! 

I will keep you all updated and post weekly if possible. 

Bec x

My room with my lovely blanket :D 
 Dillan and Cal looking hench ;D 
 The lovely Evie 😘💕
 Sunday evening film Inbetweeners two! 

Last day

Sunday 21st of September was such a hard but exciting day for me.. It was my last day. It was full of smiles, laughs, reminiscence of memories and tears. I had a lovely hack round High Elms with Polly & Olly, Angela & Bailey, Ali & Joe, Mel & Murphy and Katie & Jethro. To then say goodbye was hard but to know that a new future awaited me the next day was so exciting.  

Monday 15 September 2014

Under a week to go!

So it's only a week to go until I leave home to go to the Racing School! I can't believe how quick it has come round. It's nuts to think that it's been over a year since I applied for the course and now I have under a week until I go!! 
On the 21st August I received my GCSE results and I was so chuffed that I passed my maths with a C as it's a subject I've always struggled with. I was slightly disappointed that I didn't get an A in business but apart from that I was absolutely chuffed with everything else :) 
I didn't put the effort in to do well in Music and I was only 1 mark away from getting an A in English lit! 

On Saturday it was arranged that me and a few friends from the yard would go for a lovely Toby Carvery as it's well known how much I love a roast! We was well on our way when my dear friend had to take a detour as she had apparently 'left her phone at the yard' ... As we pulled in my whole Yard Family was sitting around the well and had thrown me a surprise leaving party! ( yes of course I cried ! ) it was such a lovely evening and my card full of beautiful messages and my blanket with all the horses on will sure be cherished on my travels. Thank you so much guys, I love you all xx. 
( p.s I still got my Toby Carvery in the end, ha! )

Saturday 6 September 2014

Devon 2014

July the 15th I travelled down to Newton Abbot, Devon to see my nan before I go to Newmarket. My nan is very special to me as she brought me up when I was little, so we have a huge bond. 
Me, nan and David on the Torquay wheel
Nan's dog Lola the cockerpoo had pups, they were just the cutest 
 Torquay just after sunset
Torquay at night. 
Shaldon - yes you may laugh at the ridiculous white feet! That's what happens when you work in boots and shorts..

Lola on the beach

Dinner by the river Dart
A lovely two week holiday, now back to work to enjoy my last few weeks before leaving for the racing school!!