Sunday 12 October 2014

Week 2 & 3 at the BRS

So it's been nearly 4 weeks here at the racing school and time is going so so quick, I'm missing home each day but on the other side each day is getting closer to graduation ( even though I still have another 10 weeks! ) 

Week two and three consisted of stepping up the pace, this meant that some people had more horses to do, harder work when riding and fitness lessons increase. In the morning I get two straw bedded horses to muck out, sadly with a horrid muck sack but sometimes lucky enough to get a wheelbarrow. Ellemujie and Our Vic are the two horses I look after, Mujie has a very quirky character, enjoyes a good bite and kick if he can get you! Luckily enough he hasn't.. Yet! Our Vic is the Racing a School's famous flagship horse, I'm privileged to look after him! He's such a handsome lad, with a beautiful nature, always there to cheer you up if your feeling homesick or a little run down. In his racing days he also beat Kauto Star in a race at Aintree! 
Our Vic (left) leading Kauto Star (right) in 2008 at Aintree. 

I had another fitness test Saturday and happily passed it knocking nearly a minute off my previous time! I came 7th out of 16 and 3rd out of the girls. 
Fitness is one of the most important things at the BRS you have intense sessions on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday and also on a Saturday ( only for the first 4 weeks )  these include, spinning, running, circuit training, army training etc. 

At the start of the third week I eventually had my first fall at BRS! I was riding Mr Nobaro, a lovely boy who spoked , span and dropped his shoulder due to another horse kicking the boards in the school! 4 of us fell at the same time and it was very comical! Everyone was thankfully okay :-) In the middle of the third week we eventually started cantering! It was lovely to canter again after 3 weeks of constant trotting. Firstly we just done a few lessons sitting canter in the outdoor ménage then we moved back into the indoor school to start cantering properly in pose position and short stirrups! It's very different compared to cantering at home, but I'm slowly adapting to the position and improving each day. 

Next week and the following week is very important as it is my 5 week assessment, this decides wether the Racing School want to keep me or get rid of me! I will have another fitness test on Saturday and then throughout week 5 I'm assessed on my yard work, riding and diploma. If I pass the assessment then I can move onto the round gallop ! Eek! 

I'm enjoying it immensely here, even though dealing with homesickness is hard but it will be worth it in the end! 

Received my British Racing School uniform! 
Lovely Sunday morning along the gallops
Evie's 17th Birthday meal


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