Sunday 30 November 2014

Week 9 and 10 at the BRS

Week 9 

Wow, it's unbelievable to think that I've been here this long now. Time is going so fast here at the Racing School. Week 9 we moved onto the straights, this was a huge thing for me as it's all I've wished for since I got accepted into the BRS. It was an amazing experience and thrilling at the same time! My first ride up the straights was on McCracken, I enjoyed it immensely and was smiling the whole way 😀 throughout the week we rode different horses and was getting to grips with the straight gallop, I rode various horses including Wrecking Ball, Troubador, Cavendish Road and of course my little favourite 3 year old green baby Eddie. Eddie is one of the youngest horses at the BRS as he has just turned 3, he is still a baby, so not everyone gets on with him.. But I love him to bits even though I did fall off him at the top of the gallop the other day.. Yes my 4th fall here at the BRS.. Let's just say it was very amusing and so petty , ha! 
On Friday I went up to London ExCel to represent the British Racing School as head girl with Careers in Racing, it was a very long and tiring day but was great to see the interest that people had in getting involved with racing. 
Scott showing off to the crowd how it's done..

Week 10

Week 10 on the straights has been a fantastic week, I've felt my riding has improved a lot and everyone in our group is doing amazingly well. Next week we will be moving onto the difficult horses up the straights which I'm really looking forward to. I've also been enjoying my role as head girl these last few weeks, it's been a huge responsibility and very stressful at times but it's great experience before going to work for a trainer. This week we also filled out our 'dream sheets' these are given to the Chief Executive who finds us jobs at the end of our course , we will find out who we will be going to work for a week before our graduation. 

It's crazy to think that I've now only got under 3 weeks left until I graduate and go home for Christmas! Despite how much I enjoy the work here I cannot wait to go home for Christmas and to see everyone :) 

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