Sunday 11 January 2015

First few weeks at work

These first 3 weeks working for Lawney Hill have been great! The horses here are so lovely and beautiful to ride. It's really interesting working in a racing yard and dealing with day-to-day life for the trainers, jockeys and stable staff. I've had some lovely rides on stunning horses and really enjoying my time here. 
 My working day consists of :
7am - go down to start work either tack up your first lot or start work on the yard dependent what I'm doing that morning 
7:45am - pull out for first lot if riding 
9am - breakfast
9:30am - back down the yard for 2nd lot
10:00am - pull out second lot 
11:00am - pull out third lot 
12:00noon - pull out fourth lot 
1:00pm - lunchtime 
3:00pm- back down to yard for evening stables 
5:00pm- finish for the day 
Weekends are slightly different - on a Saturday you have an extra hour at lunch so go down for evening stables until 4pm and on a Sunday you start work at 8am finish at 11am ( don't ride on a Sunday ) and down for evening stables at 4pm. I also get every other weekend off which is from Saturday 1pm until back to work Monday morning - this is always nice as I can go home for the weekend or just chill. 

Sunday 11th Jan we had point to point runners at Ampton 
Consigliere ( Connie) won the Men's Open wich was a lovely win for the team. We also had a 2nd and 5th on the day. 
 Connie after his winning race at Ampton

Christmas at home then off into the big wide world ....

Coming home after being away for 3 months was lovely. Seeing my pony, ex-racehorse all my Pullens family at work and my family at home - I couldn't of asked for a better Christmas! 
Christmas was absolutely, my Nan came up from Devon and me and my Mum cooked Christmas dinner for us all. Of course Pullens had our Chrismtas Morning Hack and we was all in the festive spirit riding out at 7:30 in the morning !! 
 Couldn't of asked to ride a better horse than the Chivalrous Cool Spot on Christmas Morning ! 

However how much I was enjoying being back at home I only had a week until I went my separate ways again.. And this time it was for a lot longer than 14 weeks! On Saturday it was my last day at home again, of course it was another emotional goodbye to everyone as I was leaving home for good, but it's a fresh new start and I can still come home on weekends off as it's only about an hour drive away. 

Sunday we drove to Oxfordshire to move all my stuff into my new home. The surroundings are absolutely breathtaking here, it's situated so close to the M40 but in the middle of he Countyside - amazing ! 

 Stunning view from my bedroom window. 

Once I was all settled in and unpacked it was time to get an early night ready for work in the morning - moving away from home at the age of 16 is a big step, I've always been quite independent but this was another step! Paying bills, rent, doing everything for yourself , making dinner , doing washing and earning a living - everything you don't think of when your living at home, now I'm here I really do take a step back and appreciate how easy life was at home. 

The end of BRS!

So I can't believe the time has come to graduate from The British Racing School ! Time has gone so fast but also feels like I've been here for years. The last week has been great, we've all been enjoying our last few days here on the straights and counting down til' graduation! 

Our last day and ride at the racing school was very emotional but such a remembered day for us all. We all had fantastic last rides and our graduation was a very tearful moment but we were all so happy we'd got this far and eventually going home with our families ! Below are some pictures from my last ride on Mutajarred ( sadly I couldn't have Allied Powers as he became lame a few days before ) there is also a link to the video of my last ride, some pictures from my course and our graduation.  <- Last Ride Video 

Course 288/289 - Mr Bateman and Mrs Marshall 
 Me and Record Breaker 

 Me on Mutajarred and Katie on Ballywatt 
 Look at that cute face!!
 Trotting for home!! 
 Group photo - last ride 


I would be lying if I said I enjoyed every second, because I didn't! Some days I wanted to go home, I cried for nights on end and felt like I wouldn't get anywhere but i pursued and battled through and somehow got to the end! I was also awarded with the 'student who achieved the most out of the course' which was a honour to recieve. I had an absolutely amazing experience at the Racing School and would encourage anyone reading this who is thinking of applying to go for it! It's so worth it if your dedicated and willing to try your hardest for something you love. I can't thank the Racing School enough for the past 14 weeks as I wouldn't be where I am now without them. I now have a job working at Lawney Hill in Oxfordshire and is loving every minute, without the racing school I don't know what I'd do ! 

If anyone has any questions or queries about applying for the BRS , before you go, whilst your there etc. I'm more than happy to answer them and help you out in anyway possible please drop me an email on

And thank you to everyone who has followed my blog and my time through the BRS ! I will keep updating now and then on my new job etc. 

Take care 
Rebecca Hill x