Sunday 11 January 2015

Christmas at home then off into the big wide world ....

Coming home after being away for 3 months was lovely. Seeing my pony, ex-racehorse all my Pullens family at work and my family at home - I couldn't of asked for a better Christmas! 
Christmas was absolutely, my Nan came up from Devon and me and my Mum cooked Christmas dinner for us all. Of course Pullens had our Chrismtas Morning Hack and we was all in the festive spirit riding out at 7:30 in the morning !! 
 Couldn't of asked to ride a better horse than the Chivalrous Cool Spot on Christmas Morning ! 

However how much I was enjoying being back at home I only had a week until I went my separate ways again.. And this time it was for a lot longer than 14 weeks! On Saturday it was my last day at home again, of course it was another emotional goodbye to everyone as I was leaving home for good, but it's a fresh new start and I can still come home on weekends off as it's only about an hour drive away. 

Sunday we drove to Oxfordshire to move all my stuff into my new home. The surroundings are absolutely breathtaking here, it's situated so close to the M40 but in the middle of he Countyside - amazing ! 

 Stunning view from my bedroom window. 

Once I was all settled in and unpacked it was time to get an early night ready for work in the morning - moving away from home at the age of 16 is a big step, I've always been quite independent but this was another step! Paying bills, rent, doing everything for yourself , making dinner , doing washing and earning a living - everything you don't think of when your living at home, now I'm here I really do take a step back and appreciate how easy life was at home. 

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